Some Related
WWW Sites
of Interest
to the Real Estate Industry
The Arctos Group suggests the following World Wide Web sites
as interesting examples of how internet technology can be of use
to practicing real estate professionals.
As part of the continuing trend toward increased securitization of real
estate and the integration of real estate with the vast public capital
markets, a number of efforts presently are underway to make real-world,
real-time market and transaction information available online. These
efforts involve industry trade associations, professional societies and
private ventures
From time to time, The Arctos Group will supplement the material
below with additional information related to securitization and capital
Your comments and suggestions are encouraged. Please contact us at the
postal address shown below or send email to
Information about the Center for Real Estate at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
A brief introduciton to GIS technology presented by the
U.S. Geologic Survey.
ARGUS Financial Software for the Real Estate Industry
ARGUS provides a family of comprehensive analytical software programs for the real estate industry. ARGUS "Lease by Lease for Windows" is designed to analyze and value all types of commercial properties including
office buildings, shopping centers, mixed use facilities, hotels, apartment
communities and portfolios containing virtually any number of individual
properties and tenants. The current version includes Portfolio Analysis
features which allow detailed sensitivity analyses and tenant reporting across
entire portfolios of properties. Other ARGUS products models cash flows
associated with the development and sale of individual units over time,
such as subdivisions, condominiums, PUD's and business parks. The products
run on a MS-Windows platform.
Teleres: Information for the Emerging Real Estate Public Markets
Clinton Smullyan, Jr. explains Teleres and its mission to
create a single national source of comprehensive on-line real estate
information and analysis designed to effectively standardize the process
for valuing, trading, liquefying, securitizing, rating, hedging,
benchmarking and describing commercial real estate.
Securitization in the Commercial Mortgage Market
Ernst & Young's primer is intended to provide a basic
understanding of commercial mortgage securitization - what it is, the
process, and how securitization is utilized by investors and lenders
to increase leverage and insulate themselves against credit risk, while
providing a new and efficient source of capital for commercial real
estate owners - enabling them to finance acquisitions and refinance
debt, as well as free up capital for development.
NetWatch Gateway to Top Ten Real Estate WWW Sites
David Moninger has collected a list of some of the more
interesting uses of the World Wide Web by companies and organizations
in the real estate industry. The intent is not to duplicate established
Real Estate oriented Link Pages but to highlight outstanding, new,
interesting, and/or unusual Real Estate related sites. The list
includes links to individual real estate agents, local and regional
brokerage firms, national firms, real estate outside of the U.S.,
outstanding or unusual properties offered for sale, interesting uses of
WWW technology by real estate related firms, and links to other sites
of interest to real estate professionals. This list changes and is
updated periodically. (Note: This links to the Netwatch Top Ten table
of contents. Access the Real Estate list from this page.)
Washington-Area Federal Facilities Database
Retrieve information on Federal land, buildings, and office space
in and around Washington, using a realtime link from the internet to
an SQL-database. The information was compiled at the Computer Resource
Laboratory of MIT's School of Architecture and Planning, in association
with the U.S. National Capital Planning Commission in Washington, DC.
Using Information Technology to Better Manage Your Real Estate
James Melson, Jr., founder of Melson Technologies, Inc.,
discusses the strategic role of current technologies in real estate
property and portfolio management.
Business and Economics on the Internet
Former Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation economist and
developer of FreddieMac's automated underwriting system, Dr. Arnold Kling
discusses some of the implications of internet technology for the real
estate industry.
The Legal Information Institute
Legal information ranging from supreme court decisions to law
journal articles. Includes ability to search West Pulishing Company's directory of lawyers
to find information about any member of the bar.
RealWorks Real Estate Forum
First Realty Advisors, Inc. specializes in high tech solutions
for the real estate industry. The web page features product information,
demos, an international network of appraisers, and pointers to other
real estate information available on the Net.
NASDAQ Financial Executive Journal
The online edition of the National Association of Security
Dealers' publication discussing current issues in securities law.
U.S. Census Database
A searchable 125-gigabyte database of census data
maintained at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
The Age of the Network
Pre-release description of a new book by Jessica Lipnack and Jeffrey
Stamps which explores networked organizational structures as a logical
evolution of the traditional heirarchical and bureaucratic frameworks.
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Chestnut Hill,
Massachusetts 02167-0003
Tel: 617.342.7411 - Fax: 617.232.0025