For 3 crusts          For 2 crusts        Ingredient


    1  Tablespoon       teaspoon         yeast

3 ¾  cups            2 ½  cups              flour

    1  teaspoon           1  teaspoon         salt

   ¾  teaspoon          ½  teaspoon         granulated sugar

2 ½  Tablespoons   1 ½  Tablespoons     olive oil

1 ½  cup                  1  cup                water


Use dough machine’s Yeast Dough cycle.


Set machine for:       10  minutes          mix and first knead

                            15  minutes          first rise

                              0  minutes          no second knead

                              0  minutes          no second rise


Pre-head oven to 400º F.


Place dough on floured surface and cut into half (or thirds) and

press each portion into a lightly greased 12-in pizza pan.  (If dough

is too springy, cover and allow it to relax for a few minutes.)


Prick dough all over with a fork.


Bake for 12 to 15 minutes at 400º F until crust is lightly browned.


Remove from oven and spread/sprinkle toppings.  Return to oven

For 10 to 15 minutes, until toppings are bubbling 1nd/or melted.