Passover Granola

A number of years ago, Mrs. Bear found this recipe in "The Passover Gourmet,"
a cookbook by Nira Rousso:


Passover Orange Granola

             1/2   cup                      honey

             1/2   cup                      oil

                1   cup                      sesame seeds

                1   cup                      chopped pecans

                1   cup                      chopped almonds

                2   cups                    matzah farfel

             1/2   teaspoon             cinnamon

                1   cup                      raisins

             1/2   cup                      grated coconut

                                                grated peel of one orange

             1/4   cup                      orange marmalade


1.   In a large saucepan, heat the honey with the oil.  Add the sesame seeds, the pecans and the almonds and cook in the honey mixture, over medium heat for five minutes, stirring occasionally.

2.   Add the farfel, the raisins, the cinnamon, the coconut, the orange peel and the marmalade, and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes, stirring freqently.

3.   Spread the granola on a greased cookie sheet and cool completely.

4.   Store in an airtight container.

This stuff, as you can imagine, is a little sticky but can be prepared like granola with milk, buttermilk, or yogurt as you prefer.  It's great to put in a jar and take to the office for something to eat at work during the Passover.

The Old Bear

... and with a resounding splash, Noah sent forth from the ark a Dov ...